Monday, March 17, 2008

What is it about women and shoes? Now Im not being stereotypical. I believe all (ok not every single on, but enough) women like shoes more than other articles of clothing. Whatever form they may be. Whether you're like my friend who loves running shoes and converse (are they running shoes?) or me with a small wardrobe of shoes in my locker so I don't have to wear Canadian Winter Proof boots all winter, us females have an attraction to shoes. I love looking at them, comparing them, shopping for them and wearing them. Have you ever spent more money on the shoes for an outfit than the rest? Do you have more awesome looking sneakers than warm weather days to wear them? Maybe not, but everyone has something. My favorite pair? The Orange ones pictured above. I got them for $7 at Suzy Shier and the only pair happened to be my size. I have yet to wear them out anywhere but I got them out when my friends came home for Christmas and everyone had fun trying them on.

Happy Scrapping ♥

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