Saturday, April 25, 2009

All who pass, Ye be warned.

I come today with a cautionary tale. A tale of woe. Of regret. Of lost things. I come with warnings.

There once a maid, who toiled day after day. Imputing, upkeeping and preparing. Though far behind, as the deadline loomed she did not dispair quite yet. Rather he forged on with nary a thought to preserving the fruits of her labour. Then, one fatefull April day, as the month waned, tragedy struck with all the brute force of mother nature. The skies turned dark and the heavens seemed torn open as flash after flash, roll after roll. Shook the earth. And when at last, the fury subsided and all became deceitfully calm oncemore, the fair maid wept for her wasted toil.

And so I leave you with this. When the skies pour down and the sun shies away, save or all may be lost.

it's thunderstorm season and mother nature doesn't wait. Happy (saving &) Scrapping ♥

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